Saturday, November 8, 2014

A new life begin after 4th September 2014----> Master Student's life

               Wow, I'd been a pretty long time not update my blog here and today I'm gonna to tell a story of my life after a hardship that I'd gone through this past half year. First of all, I would like to show my appreciation to my family especially my mom who so supportive towards my Master study here in UPM (Universiti Putra Malaysia). Next, Is God who giving me an opportunity to experienced a Master Life here. Friendly Speaking that the decision to study here was truly bothered me so much. However, I will not telling the reason why it bothering me much. Still I'm glad to be here in Serdang. 

               Well, I had really learnt lots of new knownledge here. There are so much new things that I learnt here and really awakening me after all. I'm taking Master of  Environmental Engineering so most of the time I need to study more on Environment and i found out that it is really an interesting course to learn. For instance, The Summit Compenhagen which I never knew that it is a big issue that related to the world's pollution or matter that to be concerned all over the world. Well, I do enjoy study here in UPM. Nevertheless, I met a lots of new friends here in Serdang . I believe that there is a reason why God put me here and I love God's planning as HE gave all the best one to me. I love YOU, God. Without God in my life I am nothing at all. HE is the one who change me to a better person and guide me all my life. God, thanks for YOUR sacrificed. 


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