Sunday, June 27, 2010

Friend...what is the meaning of FRIEND???

Actually i want to share something about Friendship.I did realised that most of my friend had faced some friendship pROblem recently.The main reason is their friend betrayed on them & was a good friend somemore.However i really could understand their friend being betrayed or in other way called as friedship already end..This things happened on me two month ago & i took a long time to calm down myself.It is not easy to put down something or forgive someone who had hurt you deeply.of course i dont want them to become my enemy as well.Somehow our good friend sometime really dont understand us..In my opinion,closer friend always the one who can understnad our thought and always concerned on us.But the problem i faced was thay dont really know me well.of course i could not denied that in a short time (a few month or only a year) can know someone very well.but at least that so called friend willing to know us well.Sometime there might some misunderstanding between friends and it can solved by themself only if both of them willing to listen.If only one of them willing to listen but the another stubborn then the problems will never been solve.So in the end they turned up to become enemy or perhap to be stranger back.In bible scripture stated that we must love our enemy as Jesus love every1 in this world .So to those who had been hurt by their friend or hated them so much...Please forgive them regardless how bad they treated us b4..Juz be good to them .That what Jesus Crist wants us to do in our daily life.NO ANGER ,NO HATED ,NO ENEMY But BE GOOD TO THEM...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Share something but not so special

Almost time for me to go bac to UMP to start a new semenster.However,i feel like dont really to goin bac to campus.THe main reason is i will have to start to buzy with the courses.Secondly is i don wan to leave my family.this is bcz de time i spent with my family is juz dat two month in a year(sometime).But after think back..well,Mom is right,she said the faster u bac to campus the sooner u will graduates..Ya,dat right.i do not need to feel sad or wat thing cz i belong to Kuching.i will come bac to Kuching to stay on.Pahang is a place where i felt so bored to stay.(perhap i seldom went out to shop )anyway,after next sem i left 2 more years to go.after taht,if possible i will continue to Master Holder.It will be very difficult cz must hav an excellence result..but i will pray to God & of course i muz try my very best to do the best...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


其实,当我看了关于吴健豪和陈冠希的报导后(关于他们信主后的生活和主如何改变他们的生活)。的确,认识主是件美好的事情。主,他不管任何一个人之前的家庭背景如何,也不在乎那人之前犯了什么罪,只要那人愿意在主面前认罪,悔改,主必定怜悯他的过犯,让那人重新做人。脱下旧衣,换新衣。。这句话一直都会记在我脑海里。就像陈冠希,众人所知他之前犯的一切丑闻,甚至让他抬不起头面对任何一个人。不过,当他遇到那能救他脱离这一切困苦的上帝时,一切都让他解脱。从那时候开始,陈冠希就跟随主,全新的相信这真神。当然,我的生命也被主救了起来。如果没有主的拣选,我也不会有今天的成就。也许,你们会说,你们不信主,也能过得如此快乐,无忧愁。也能顺利地录取读知名的大学或是工作上的成功。不过,你们回想起,有了这些后,你们仍然没满足吗?我相信你们会说,还会不满足,好像还缺少什么似的。没错,大多数的人都会这么想。不过,给一位信主的弟兄姐妹,他们并不这么想,因为主已经满足了他们的需求。我也一样,主给我的多过我想象中的多及好。就以学业开始吧。其实,你们不知道我并不是个很会读书的一个学生,成绩也是那么一般。我并不是学校的模范生或成绩在班上最佳的那一位。就因为这样,我就更加不满足。我一直都会和身边的朋友比成绩,比看谁的成绩最好。如果是我最好,我就会很骄傲;反而,如果是我的成绩差,我就会很生气,那一天都不会理睬任何一个人。因为我觉得我是最好的那一位。虽然我信主是从五年级开始,不过我很确定的告诉你们,我是那种模模糊糊的信主,不是很知道谁是上帝或是谁是耶稣基督,谁又是救赎主。。这一切我根本都不懂,就是模模糊糊的跟着大姐和二姐信主。当然,比成绩还是持续到中三。那时的我,和以往一样都会和朋友比成绩。人比人,气死人。我真的明白这句话的意思。有时候,和朋友比成绩,并不是件很好的事。我那时候比成绩,比得我甚至有时会崩溃。责怪自己,为什么会那么笨?总是考不出好成绩。那时的我,的确很失落,真的失去方向,感觉好像根本不是读书的才子。而且,我的姐姐他们的成绩往往都比我好。甚至有时候,我真的很想放弃学业,不再读书,出来打拚不是更好吗? 不过,很神奇的事发生在我身上。当我觉得绝望和无助的时候,我突然自己会翻阅圣经(我那时其实都不翻阅圣经来读)。那时,我翻到一篇,是在马太福音6:34,这么说到:“不要为明天忧虑,因为明天自有明天的忧虑;一天的难处一天当就够了。”所以,从那时候开始,我不再忧虑,因为每一天累积每一天的忧虑,那么我更无法面对明天的生活,更加对不起上帝对我的关怀及照顾。当然,也不能每天苦着脸来面对家人嘛。后来,不管小事或大件事,我都会祷告上帝。因为上帝真的会听我的祷告..是真的会听我的祷告。就像我录取进彭大大学一样。为什么我那这件事来做见证呢?不妨告诉大家,其实如果要被政府大学录取我的话,机会真的很渺茫。就只有40%的机会罢了。甚至,我姐说以我那样的成绩简直是很难进本地大学。甚至连私人大学都要再三考虑要不要录取我。不过,那时的我,的确让我觉得我真的没机会进大学了。但是,我却不放弃,我祷告上帝。我告诉上帝我真的很希望我真的很想考进本地大学,不管哪间大学,只要有好读大学,我就很满足了。过了不久后,大学成绩出炉了。。感谢主!!!我终于考上大学了,而且是我要读的科系。我万万都没想到,我会拿到我要读的科系。这并不在我祷告中。我真的很感谢主,是祂让我如愿以偿。我真的很感谢主。很多人说,我是侥幸考上罢了。不过,我真的很想告诉他们,这是上帝的预备给我的。是祂已近铺好我要走的道路,祂让我前途光明,让我走正义路。这一切的一切都是主赐福给我的。我是不配这一切,不过祂却白白给我这一切。我真的很开心及感恩,认识这位真神。没有了祂,就没有了今天的佳欣。也要感谢主,让我成长在这个家庭。虽然不是富有的家庭,不过我真的过得很开心。假作富足的,却一无所有;装作穷乏的,却广有财物 箴言13:7欧 也因为有严父严母的教导,才把我们五兄弟姐妹教得有纪律及独立的孩子。。谢谢你们,阿爸及阿妈。。。

Monday, June 14, 2010

My Holiday during May till July

Well,there a lots of happiness when i came bac from University..1st of all,i plan to working somewhere but my refused me to do that cz she wanted me to stay at home & rest well b4 my next semenster ..That a great idea as well.So,i juz stay at home in order to help my mom to take care of 7 kids .It was a challenge to me to take care of these 7 kids cz it is really headache when al the kids being naughty & didnt wanted to eat .But i hav a lots of fun with them .I really feel relax & very free when i stay at home .Though there were a lots of unhappy thing happened on me last few month in Uni but everything seem alright after bac to hometown.Beside that,i did pray hard to God in order to Solved my problem & it rweally works.I mean God is really listen to my prayer & I do feel better after that.No matter what happened on me or on my family ,i will alwys pray cz prayer gives us strength to carry on..without God i still in a deep balck hole which mean i always being unhappy situation.I guess that all for 2day as i need to reat cz i suffer from flu, fever 7 sore thraot since yesterday night..Tata:-)