Saturday, November 8, 2014



                   我还记得半年前,也就是5月10日。我发生了一场我难以忘怀的车祸。如果不是上帝的保守,我很肯定我已经不在人世了,也不会在这里和大家分享这一切。至于车祸的经过我就不多说了。我只想说,当车子撞到GUARD RAIL时,我乘坐的那辆车简直就是失控了。整辆车子就是四脚朝天的(撞了路旁两边的铁窗,就这样翻了)。就在车子翻转的时候,我只记得想,这下怎么办,车子翻了!!我脑袋一直想着我的家人,就是那种很混乱的感觉。但是,奇怪的是,我和我弟弟竟然没事。我们俩真的一点骨折或重伤都没有。所以,我真的相信这一切都是神的保守及看顾。对路人而言,在车子里面的我们,不是重伤就是死亡。奇迹的就是,我和我弟真的一点伤痛都没有。



A new life begin after 4th September 2014----> Master Student's life

               Wow, I'd been a pretty long time not update my blog here and today I'm gonna to tell a story of my life after a hardship that I'd gone through this past half year. First of all, I would like to show my appreciation to my family especially my mom who so supportive towards my Master study here in UPM (Universiti Putra Malaysia). Next, Is God who giving me an opportunity to experienced a Master Life here. Friendly Speaking that the decision to study here was truly bothered me so much. However, I will not telling the reason why it bothering me much. Still I'm glad to be here in Serdang. 

               Well, I had really learnt lots of new knownledge here. There are so much new things that I learnt here and really awakening me after all. I'm taking Master of  Environmental Engineering so most of the time I need to study more on Environment and i found out that it is really an interesting course to learn. For instance, The Summit Compenhagen which I never knew that it is a big issue that related to the world's pollution or matter that to be concerned all over the world. Well, I do enjoy study here in UPM. Nevertheless, I met a lots of new friends here in Serdang . I believe that there is a reason why God put me here and I love God's planning as HE gave all the best one to me. I love YOU, God. Without God in my life I am nothing at all. HE is the one who change me to a better person and guide me all my life. God, thanks for YOUR sacrificed.